Achziv National Park

Who doesn’t have a good memory of Achziv Beach? It begins with a visit to Eli Avivi, then continues to the shallow pools and lagoons or a jump to the stormy waves at Achziv Banana Beach … antiquities from the days of the Phoencians and remnants of the village A-Ziv…

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Shavei Zion Beach

In 2011, the residents of Shavei Zion and the Matte Asher Regional Council learned that a committee under the Ministry of Energy and Water is planning to build a desalinization plant on the agricultural lands of Shavei Zion. This plant will be abutting the partially organized open beach at Shavei…

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Nahariya 4870/ג

Development Plans for South Achziv Beach and Nahariya 4870/ג There is a natural and undeveloped strip of beach from the beautiful Achziv bay to the northern tip of Nahariya, which is bordered by an industrial area to the east and the waterline to the west. This strip of beach is…

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Bezet Beach

  Photographer: Hagai Karp, Rosh Haniqra Bezet Beach is one of the few beautiful and quiet beaches left in Israel and in the Western Galilee. It is an open, natural beach, with a rustic feeling of serenity. In addition to having rich indigenous plant growth, Bezet Beach is one of…

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