Development Plans for South Achziv Beach and Nahariya 4870/ג
There is a natural and undeveloped strip of beach from the beautiful Achziv bay to the northern tip of Nahariya, which is bordered by an industrial area to the east and the waterline to the west. This strip of beach is only 4 km. long and 1/2 km. wide. Unique pools and lagoons that were originally part of the ancient village of Achziv’s port and indigenous natural beach flora characterize it. Numerous citizens from Nahariya and the surrounding areas love to work or run along this strip enjoying the beauty of the sea, the wind, and the sunsets.
This area, which was owned by Delta Industries, was sold 2 years ago to real estate entrepreneurs based on an old plan from 1994, and which includes 10 apartment buildings of 8-10 floors of a short distance of 100 meters from the shore.
In the opinion of local residents and environmentalist organizations, the attributes of the plan as well as the scope of the proposed construction are not compatible with the environmental standards of today, including the laws passed protecting the shores, and places a serious threat to the existing natural resources and landscape. In addition, these plans do not address important and essential infrastructures such as suitable transportation etc.
Concerned citizens turned to the to the Local and Regional Planning Committees with these claims and asked the members of these committees to use their legal authority to demand that the entrepreneurs include specific changes to the plans in order to receive a construction permit. Both committees chose not to accept the citizens’ claims and supported the entrepreneurs’ plans as if they had been approved 20 years ago.
In the spring of 2013, the Kimberly-Hogla Factory, which borders the planned construction site, opposed the plan. They feared the possibility that they would be forced to close the factory due to its proximity to the proposed residential area as well as the loss of workplaces in the area. The factory administration petitioned the Regional Appeals Committee, which then directed them to the Regional Court in Haifa. The Working Committee to Save Achziv Beach turned to the Adam, Teva, V’Din (Man, Nature, and Law) NGO to join the suit as a “Friend of the Court”. The case was heard on 15 September 2013 before Judge Ron Sokol. The primary arguments were that an inclusive environmental survey needed to be carried out and that the proposed construction was too close to Achziv Bay.
In January 2014, The Committee for Preserving the Environment and the Shoreline visited this area (within the framework of the discussion of the new Master Plan for Nahariya) and opined that the Planning Authorities must demand that the proposed apartment towers be distanced from the waterline. In May 2014 Judge Sokol in a precedential decision ruled that the plans be returned to the entrepreneurs so that they can carry out a survey to see what possible environmental damage may occur to the area and the shore and demanded that any necessary changes be made. As a result of the court decision, The Local Planning Committee reopened the discussion in September 2014.